Sunday, 14 June 2015

The Cure Cancer regime - Check in Number #1

Being told I have Cancer is the most confronting experience I have ever been through.  In the minutes after I finished with the doctor all I wanted was quietness.  The sound of people on their typewriters, phones demanding answering, of the coffee machine hissing out steam - it was all so felt like everything and everyone was screaming at me.

In a hospital quietness is actually very hard to find!  I wandered aimlessly through hallways until I accidentally (subliminally?) found the chapel. I've never been a particularly religious person so it seemed rather odd to me when I finally registered where I was sitting.  I collected myself enough to ring my husband and my sister and then I just waited.  I waited for them to tell me it was all going to be OK.

In those waiting minutes (and it was only about 20 minutes) I resolved that I would do everything possible to get better.  Little did I know that 'doing everything' would be nearly as overwhelming as the initial diagnosis. The amount of information that is out there and, worse still, that contradicts each other is mind blowing. Supposedly I can cure cancer via chemotherapy & surgery, by starving cancer through nutritional strategies, by using a corrosive topical paste called black salve (which burns and destroys tissue leaving behind a black scar), by surrounding myself with love or, my personal favourite, by jumping on the trampoline!

Overwhelmed with choices I fear I have very little 'Cure Cancer' regime established (other than the western medicine requirements) so my check in #1 is embarrassingly weak.  Dr IM (the Integrated Medicine doctor I told you about a while back, 1st June) wants me to:
(1) Introduce Meditation: Meditate twice a day for 10-15 minutes
(2) Change my Diet: NO Refined Sugar, Dairy, Grains, Soy or Fried foods plus 10 glasses of water
(3) Prioritise Sleep: Aim for 8 hours sleep a night
(4) Take Supplements: 8 in total

The oncologist, genetic councelor and surgeon added to the list:
(5) Chemo: 4 rounds
(6) Regular Exercise: 30mins a day
(7) More Surgeries

According to additional research I also need to ensure I have 'fuel for the soul', so let's throw in:
(8) Soul Food

So I now have an 8-step program - you've gotta have a stepped program right?
I have tried once with very little success (refer my post 10th May)
I’ve made friends with salad, eat lots of fresh produce but sugar is my nemesis and I now spend too much time cooking (my son told his kindergarten teacher that mummy’s job is “to grow food”!)
The drugs running through me (and I have two kids) have affected my sleep
Not sold on these plus I've failed to do anymore research
4 rounds done, awaiting confirmation this is it :)
I have introduced some brisk walks but it seems amazing to my lethargic body that I ran a half marathon a year ago!
Awaiting doctor’s instructions
Soul Food
Apparently I have a soul I just choose not to feed it…


  1. Everyone seems to have advise when some one has a disease, right? Overwhelming, yes. You nailed it.
    Hang in there. Always thinking of you!

  2. I can only imagine what you guys went through with Tessa...your strength, dignity and pragmatism are inspirational xox
