Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Profiting from Cancer - don't eat kale if you break your leg!

Profiting and Cancer are two words that don't sit comfortably together yet that's exactly what Belle Gibson did.  For those of you that don't know the now infamous Ms Gibson, she is a young Mum who fraudulently claimed to have Brain Cancer and, even worse (yes, it can get worse!) she claimed to have cured this incurable cancer through alternative therapies.  Her initially tragic tale and then miraculous survival story generating an enormous interest, attracting hundreds of thousands of followers, an app and, of course, a book deal.

This young lady was interviewed last night on 60 Minutes and whilst I don't want to give her any more airplay I must say there were a couple of themes that came out of it that really worried me.

Firstly, this strange and misguided belief that there is strength to be gained from rejecting conventional medicine.  If you broke your leg would you start eating kale?  If you had a car accident would you start taking Vitamin B17? If you cut your finger off would you start meditating?  So why when faced with an equivalently traumatic disease like cancer would you reject the professionals that can re-set your leg, can cut you out of that car or can sew your finger back on?!

That's not to say that once the symptom is treated you shouldn't optimise your future health.  For example, the broken leg may increase your chances of osteoporosis and it may have damaged your muscles.  It would be wise to watch your calcium intake, ensure you're within an optimal weight range, exercise to strengthen those muscles.  The best method to empower yourself, in my mind at least, is to have all avenues on your side.  Eat well, exercise, reduce stress, discipline your mind, love your family and find connections.

The second theme that concerned me was that being a 'wellness warrior' is easy to achieve.  The cold hard facts are that it takes effort to eat organic, homemade meals.  It takes effort to get up before the kids to go for a run.  It takes effort (and a whole lot of support if you are a parent!) to close that computer at work and reach your meditation class/writing class/friends dinner (insert any type of hobby here!) on time.  We lead such an "and" life...I am a parent "and" I work "and" I exercise "and" I eat only organic food "and" I etc etc  Something, somehow has to give - don't let it be your health.

I almost felt sorry for Ms Gibson last night - she was torn to shreds by the interviewer and seemed so genuinely tangled up in all her lies that the truth was indecipherable to her.  I ALMOST felt sorry for her but then I remembered she appealed to an incredibly vulnerable group of people and potentially cost some their lives....all in the name of making a few dollars!

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