Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Sanctimonious, organic bullsh!t versus caffeine fuelled power Mum

Anyone read the recent article by Susie O'Brien about how unrealistic Jodhi Meares "sanctimonious, organic vegan horsesh!t" of a life is?

I found it fascinating!

There is a certain privilege bestowed upon those that have been dealt the better hand of the beauty pool (of course briefly marrying a Packer and dating a rock legend also helps!). Research has shown good looking people receive better service, preferential treatment and of course rarely 'get picked last in gym class'. Does this give them a platform from which they can pursue life on their terms - the 'it's all about me' ticket...

Some of the comments Meares makes are extraordinarily and naively privileged:
* "there's a sanity that comes with getting up at first light"
* "If I'm about to get on a plane...I see my doctor for a course of Vitamin C that's administered intravenously"
* "It's ridiculous how many yoga mats I own: I keep five in Hawaii, store a few in New York..keep at least four at home"
* "I've got three wardrobes and am building another one...One is purely devoted to shoes"
* "I can only cope with about 5 to 6 hours cooped up in an office"
* "In Summer I'll often finish the day with a swim at one of Sydney's harbour beaches"

But then again that's the cards she's been dealt! I really don't see her harming too many people (other than the recent cars she smashed in to!). My problem with the life that Jodhi portrays is that a 'charmed life' consists of chai tea, vinyasa yoga, ten wardrobes and first class holidays. It reminds me too much of the dreaded Kardashian clan whose pursuit of surgically created beauty and the perfect pair of heels are regarded as triumphs. Now don't get me wrong, I'd love to be a little taller, have Ang-style lips and who doesn't love a bit of glitz and glam when you're out on the town. But to me, it just isn't enough!

So I'd take your life Susie:
* Yes a little hand whacks you on the back to wake you up rather than the sun
* Your taxi service starts early and finishes late but you're the recipient of their bubbling pride as they show you their latest school project
* You may sit in your office for a little longer than 5 hours but you surround yourself with intelligent, worldly people who are diverse in their opinions and passionate about things greater than themselves
* Your chardy (or in my case, bubbles) may flow a little more freely than the intravenous Vitamin C but you can laugh uncontrollably with good family and friends

To me, Susie, your life is rich and charmed. BUT....there's always a but!

You're so "busy" you may just forget to look after you. And that, unfortunately, is just as dangerous a message as the superficial cashed-up celebrities. You have done what so many modern day Superwomen do - you've put yourself last. That hamburger dinner, non-existent exercise and zero time for yourself (sans children and work iPads) is doing you no favours. I don't know how to get this balance right - does anyone?! It would seem a more worthy discussion than advocating two unhealthy options.

I've recently thrown 'beat cancer' on to my TO DO list so this perilous juggle of life's buckets seems more acute than ever. I'd love to know how other people fit it all in!

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