Monday, 20 July 2015

Healing - a step forward, a step backwards!

Amidst the meditation lessons, diet changes and supplements research the giant hand of western medicine strikes again!  With one simple blood test my healing path is jolted in a different direction.  You see I finally have something in common with Angelina Jolie - a BRCA gene.  What does this mean?  Even if I treat the existing cancer I have a high chance of another new one forming.  The 'best' option I have to help myself is a bilateral mastectomy (and reconstruction).

My initial reaction is to say "of course, get rid of them if they're going to kill me!" but then you allow that awful Dr Google to creep in.  I've read some of the most amazing and inspirational stories of women who have "fought off" their genetic predispositions...however these success stories are few and far between whereas there are thousands of successful "Angelina" cases.   I have the chance to improve my odds exponentially and I like the sounds of that :)

So once again, Dr I/M is relegated to the back of the queue (I can just see her Dr Emmett hair shaking in frustration ;) and I'm focusing on Horse #7 "best rack in the nursing home"!


  1. Oh Sarah! So sorry to hear this!
    But glad to hear your are 'upping your odds'. Much love, x
    PS - Happy birthday to Oliver for tomorrow! (Right day I think??)

  2. You're amazing to remember Oli's Bday 😃 . Hope your "balancing" is going well?! I really think the meditation can help if only I allowed myself to prioritise it!

  3. I read the BRCA pieces by Ms Jolie a while ago and loved her for writing and sharing them. Brave & wonderful. x

  4. Keep up the positive attitude Sarah

    1. Thanks for reading Michelle - that helps me keep the positive attitude xo
