Sunday, 10 May 2015

Meditation - attempt number one!

Although mindfulness has recently found its way into Western trends it is, of course, an ancient practice for many Eastern philosophies. So with thousands of years of endorsement (and because my Integrated Medicine Dr told me to) I thought I'd give it a crack...

The book I'm attempting to read at the moment tells me to perform a 'simple' body scan as an introductory exercise in being present. The steps go something like this:
1. Find a comfortable position
2. Feel your breath as it moves in and out of your body
3. Sense the natural rise & fall (place your hands on your abdomen if it helps)
4. Direct your awareness to your feet - notice temperature, feel the contact between your toes, explore sensations
5. Extend the awareness through your ankles, lower legs etc etc
6. Notice what is present, remember the breathing and come back to it if your mind wanders
7. Stay with this awareness of your whole body for as long as you want to

How did my first attempt go? Something like this:
The children are in bed and hubby's downstairs watching the footy. I sit cross legged on our bedroom floor. The room is nice and warm and I have a lovely full belly from our first Paleo dinner (but that's another story!).

I take a deep breath in and feel the air fill my hungry lungs. As I exhale I notice the heat of my breath and holy cr@p did I leave the oven on? I quickly rush downstairs and see the oven is safely off.

Back in position. Breath is strong and clear. I shift my attention to the soles of my feet and wriggle my toes. They feel warm and content in my fluffy winter socks. As I stretch my calves and release the tension in my knees I try desperately to ignore a strange rustling sound.

OK, back to the knees. I flap my crossed legs up and down and smile as my butt grimaces at having to work. I move my concentration up to my back and feel a genuine release in tension. Hey, maybe this thing works! But damn that rustling. I'll just quickly check it out...

I soon find the culprit - my 4 1/2 year old son has got himself out of bed to do a poo.
"Hey Mum" he smiles "I woke myself up to go to the loo!" he says proudly
"Awesome buddy" what more can I say?
He whips the toilet paper out from behind him to examine it and in the process flicks poo down the wall and on the floor.
"Oops, not quite clean" he says sheepishly as another rain-forest gets cut down to wipe the remainder of his butt.
"Easy on the toilet paper mate. Can I help?"

We clean up and I tuck him in to bed. He's asleep before I leave the room - such innocence, such contentment

I sit down once more, cross my legs and put my hands gently on my knees - palms up.

I take a big breath in and...realise I have sh!t on my sleeve.


  1. Hilare, Sare. I remember you were a great writer from school. Still are.

  2. Love the real-ness.... We've shared a few laughs re-telling this story this weekend!

    1. Gotta love the way kids keep things real ;)
