Monday, 30 May 2016

Game of Thrones addiction

I simply can't explain it but I am absolutely addicted to Game of's violent and disrespectful plus all the sci-fi/fantasy elements have been done before.  But, there's the ridiculously quick-witted dwarf, loyal dragons, funky outfits and let's not forget Jon Snow.  And I can't be the only one with this closet obsession - it's one of the highest rating shows.  Why?!

Monday, 22 February 2016

Do women actually create their own glass ceilings?

I went to a talk yesterday by a rather amazing lady - she was honest, articulate, intelligent and altogether inspiring.  She has held very senior positions in big companies (banks/insurance companies) but she didn't actually seek such roles out.  She liked fixing problems and told people the truth of whatever situation they were in.  I think she was actually quite modest too :) But...

Her honesty seemed to be juxtaposed to her gender - after all women 'have to be' nurturing...and somehow we (females included) role gentle and diplomatic into this definition of female nurturer. This lady was therefore labelled "a b!tch".   Her first task whenever she stepped in to a new role was, therefore, to disassemble this preconceived idea by taking an active interest in those around her.  She had to over-compensate for being a female leader by being extra 'female'?!

She gave a great example of the stereotypes we women reinforce (adding to our own glass ceilings). Have you ever seen the response Father's get when they drop their children at school...?  It's "Hero or Zero", ie.
   Hero = isn't that wonderful, what an amazing Father being so involved with his kids, or
   Zero = why doesn't he have a job/what's wrong with him?
And what response do women get when they drop their kids at school - absolutely nothing!  It is expected of them to perform this duty.   It really is food for thought....

I unfortunately have the opposite affliction in that I'm too diplomatic to call a spade a spade (I skirt around the edges hoping my recipient hears the subtle hints I drop).  I'm therefore 'not strong enough' to be truly Senior at work.  Or perhaps that's another preconceived idea about what it takes to be the boss????

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Your first ever teacher....

Tomorrow my son meets his first ever school teacher.....I can't articulate the range of emotions I feel and I'm sure his little heart and mind are riding a similar roller-coaster!

Can you remember your Grade 1 teacher?  Mrs Mercer was mine - she was tall (or was that because I was so tiny [nothing has changed I hear a few of you say ;)]), kind and ridiculously patient.  I thought she was perfect - please, please let my son have a similar experience   xo